NYSE: LYV (Live Nation Entertainment, Inc.)

Last update: 27 Jul, 11:45PM


1.42 (1.54%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Entertainment (US) Bullish Bullish
Entertainment (Global) Bullish Bullish
Stock Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. Bullish Bullish

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Live Nation is the largest live entertainment company in the world, serving as a concert promoter, venue operator, and ticketing platform. In addition, the firm generates revenue from sponsorships and advertising. With offices in 45 countries, Live Nation promotes concerts globally and it owns, operates, or had exclusive booking rights to 373 venues worldwide at the end of 2023, which the firm says makes it the second-largest operator of music venues globally. In 2023, Live Nation promoted more than 50,000 events, drawing more than 145 million fans. Ticketmaster is a dominant global ticketing service, selling more than 620 million tickets in 2023.

Sector Communication Services
Industry Entertainment
Investment Style Mid Growth
52 Weeks Range
76.48 (-18%) — 107.24 (14%)
Price Target Range
118.00 (26%) — 132.00 (40%)
High 132.00 (Benchmark, 40.97%) Buy
Median 122.50 (30.82%)
Low 118.00 (JP Morgan, 26.02%) Buy
Average 123.13 (31.49%)
Total 8 Buy
Avg. Price @ Call 94.24
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Oppenheimer 06 Sep 2024 120.00 (28.15%) Buy 92.78
25 Jun 2024 110.00 (17.47%) Buy 89.84
B of A Securities 04 Sep 2024 125.00 (33.49%) Buy 95.26
Rosenblatt 15 Aug 2024 123.00 (31.35%) Buy 94.43
Deutsche Bank 01 Aug 2024 122.00 (30.29%) Buy 92.98
Benchmark 31 Jul 2024 132.00 (40.97%) Buy 96.19
JP Morgan 31 Jul 2024 118.00 (26.01%) Buy 96.19
Macquarie 31 Jul 2024 125.00 (33.49%) Buy 96.19
Morgan Stanley 12 Jun 2024 120.00 (28.15%) Buy 89.88

No data within this time range.

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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