NYSE: KULR (KULR Technology Group, Inc.)

Last update: 20 Aug, 5:40PM


0.00 (1.72%)

Market Trend

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Industry Electronic Components (US) Mixed Bullish
Electronic Components (Global) Mixed Bullish
Stock KULR Technology Group, Inc. - -

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KULR Technology Group, Inc., through its subsidiary, KULR Technology Corporation, develops and commercializes thermal management technologies for batteries, electronics, and other components applications in the United States. It provides lithium-ion battery thermal runaway shields; fiber thermal interface materials; phase change material heatsinks; internal short circuit device; KULR battery cell screening and testing automation system and tech safe case; cellcheck; and CRUX cathodes. The company's technologies are used in electric vehicles, energy storage, battery recycling transportation, cloud computing, and 5G communication devices. It sells its products for applications, such as lithium-ion battery energy storage, electric vehicles, 5G communication, cloud computer infrastructure, consumer, and industrial devices. The company was formerly known as KT High-Tech Marketing Inc. and changed its name to KULR Technology Group, Inc. in August 2018. KULR Technology Group, Inc. was founded in 2013 and is based in San Diego, California.

Sector Technology
Industry Electronic Components


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