Last update: 03 Jul, 7:21AM


-0.17 (-0.44%)

Previous Close 38.38
Open 38.11
Volume 3,378
Avg. Volume (3M) 3,791,348
Market Cap 78,709,538,816
Price / Earnings (TTM) 13.89
Price / Earnings (Forward) 8.38
Price / Sales 1.72
Price / Book 4.26
52 Weeks Range
33.67 (-11%) — 45.93 (20%)
Earnings Date 31 Jul 2024
TTM Dividend Yield 2.94%
Profit Margin 12.83%
Operating Margin (TTM) 28.09%
Diluted EPS (TTM) 2.95
Quarterly Revenue Growth (YOY) 9.80%
Quarterly Earnings Growth (YOY) -27.80%
Total Debt/Equity (MRQ) 123.04%
Current Ratio (MRQ) 0.820
Operating Cash Flow (TTM) 7.48 B
Levered Free Cash Flow (TTM) 5.50 B
Return on Assets (TTM) 9.56%
Return on Equity (TTM) 33.30%

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Drug Manufacturers - General (US) Bullish Bullish
Drug Manufacturers - General (Global) Bullish Bullish
Stock GSK plc Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score

Analyst Consensus 2.0
Insider Activity NA
Price Volatility -1.0
Technical Moving Averages 1.0
Technical Oscillators -0.5
Average 0.38

Similar Stocks

Stock Market Cap DY P/E P/B
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JNJ 396 B 2.96% 27.19 5.53
ABBV 285 B 2.84% 48.13 49.63
MRK 278 B 2.81% 20.32 6.36
PFE 166 B 5.71% - 1.92
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In the pharmaceutical industry, GSK ranks as one of the largest firms by total sales. The company wields its might across several therapeutic classes, including respiratory, cancer, and antiviral, as well as vaccines. GSK uses joint ventures to gain additional scale in certain markets like HIV.

Sector Healthcare
Industry Drug Manufacturers - General
Investment Style Large Value
% Held by Insiders 0.06%
% Held by Institutions 15.48%


Name Date Shares Held
Provident Trust Co 31 Mar 2024 3,819,540

No data within this time range.

No data within this time range.

TTM Dividend Yield 2.94%
2Y Average Dividend Yield 2.40%
Payout Ratio 51.97%
Expected Next Dividend Payment Jan 2025
Ex Date Announcement Date Payment Date Details
16 May 2024 01 May 2024 11 Jul 2024 0.376185 Cash
22 Feb 2024 01 Feb 2024 11 Apr 2024 0.4060608 Cash
16 Nov 2023 01 Nov 2023 11 Jan 2024 0.3397772 Cash
17 Aug 2023 26 Jul 2023 12 Oct 2023 0.361256 Cash
18 May 2023 26 Apr 2023 13 Jul 2023 0.347508 Cash
23 Feb 2023 01 Feb 2023 13 Apr 2023 0.3403867 Cash
17 Nov 2022 02 Nov 2022 12 Jan 2023 0.3171217 Cash
18 Aug 2022 27 Jul 2022 06 Oct 2022 0.390832 Cash

Annual Dividend Yield

Year Annual Dividend ($) Frequency/Year Yield %
2024 1.12 3 2.94
2023 1.37 4 3.69
2022 0.391 1 1.11

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
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Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

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Stop Loss (SL)

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