Last update: 13 Jul, 5:23AM


0.09 (0.67%)

Previous Close 13.45
Open 13.68
Volume 475,265
Avg. Volume (3M) 842,356
Market Cap 1,446,112,640
Price / Earnings (TTM) 6.30
Price / Sales 0.580
Price / Book 1.23
52 Weeks Range
9.44 (-30%) — 15.58 (15%)
Earnings Date 7 Aug 2024
Profit Margin 9.70%
Operating Margin (TTM) 5.21%
Diluted EPS (TTM) 2.06
Quarterly Revenue Growth (YOY) 6.60%
Quarterly Earnings Growth (YOY) -29.40%
Total Debt/Equity (MRQ) 5.82%
Current Ratio (MRQ) 2.48
Operating Cash Flow (TTM) 211.00 M
Levered Free Cash Flow (TTM) 76.62 M
Return on Assets (TTM) 5.74%
Return on Equity (TTM) 23.08%

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Industrial Distribution (US) Bullish Bullish
Industrial Distribution (Global) Bullish Bullish
Stock DNOW Inc. Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score

Analyst Consensus 2.0
Insider Activity NA
Price Volatility 2.0
Technical Moving Averages 0.0
Technical Oscillators -0.5
Average 0.88

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Dnow Inc is a company engaged in world-wide supplying of energy and industrial products and packaged, engineered process and production equipment with a legacy of over one sixty years. It offers a broad set of supply chain solutions combined with a suite of digital solutions branded as DigitalNOW that provide customers world-class technology for digital commerce, data and information management. Its locations provide products and solutions to exploration and production companies, midstream transmission and storage companies, refineries, chemical companies, utilities, mining, municipal water, manufacturers, engineering and construction companies as well as companies operating in the decarbonization, energy transition and renewables end markets.

Sector Industrials
Industry Industrial Distribution
Investment Style Small Core
% Held by Insiders 1.99%
% Held by Institutions 103.73%

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Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

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Take Profit 1 (TP1)

Take Profit 2 (TP2)

Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

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Dividend Received 2024 -
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