NYSE: COE (51Talk Online Education Group)

Last update: 24 Aug, 11:29AM


0.04 (0.28%)

Market Trend

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Industry Education & Training Services (US) Mixed Bullish
Education & Training Services (Global) Mixed Bullish
Stock 51Talk Online Education Group Mixed Mixed

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51Talk Online Education Group, through its subsidiaries, provides online English language education services to students in the People's Republic of China, the Philippines, and internationally. The company operates online and mobile education platforms that enable students to take live interactive English and Chinese lessons. Its flagship courses include Classic English Junior and Classic English for the development of English communication skills, as well as AI-empowered knowledge preview and AI-empowered reading lessons. It also offers small group lessons. The company was formerly known as China Online Education Group and changed its name to 51Talk Online Education Group in September 2022. 51Talk Online Education Group was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Singapore.

Sector Consumer Defensive
Industry Education & Training Services

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