NYSE: CHGG (Chegg, Inc.)

Last update: 2 days ago, 1:43AM


-0.01 (-0.48%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Education & Training Services (US) Mixed Bullish
Education & Training Services (Global) Mixed Bullish
Stock Chegg, Inc. Bearish Bearish

Stockmoo Score


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Chegg Inc is an American educational services company. The Chegg platform provides products and services to support learners with their academic course materials, as well as their career and personal skills development. The company's service and product offerings fall into two categories: Subscription Services, which encompasses Chegg Study Pack, Chegg Study, Chegg Writing, Chegg Math, and Busuu offerings that can be accessed internationally through the company's websites and on mobile devices, and Skills and Other, which encompasses skills, advertising services, print textbooks, and eTextbooks offerings.

Sector Consumer Defensive
Industry Education & Training Services
Investment Style Small Value


Name Date Shares Held
Sylebra Capital Ltd 30 Sep 2023 6,870,589
Sylebra Capital Llc 30 Jun 2024 5,444,087
52 Weeks Range
1.95 (-5%) — 11.48 (454%)
Median 3.25 (57.01%)
Total 1 Hold
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Morgan Stanley 16 Jul 2024 3.25 (57.00%) Hold 3.72

No data within this time range.

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

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Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

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Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
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Quantity (Buy) -
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