NYSE: BV (BrightView Holdings, Inc.)

Last update: 13 Jul, 5:22PM


0.12 (0.93%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Specialty Business Services (US) Bullish Bullish
Specialty Business Services (Global) Bullish Mixed
Stock BrightView Holdings, Inc. Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score


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BrightView Holdings Inc is a provider of commercial landscaping services in the United States. The company provides commercial landscaping services, landscape maintenance, and enhancements to tree care and landscape development. It operates through two segments namely Maintenance Services, and Development Services. The Maintenance Services are self-performed through a national branch network and are route-based in nature, and the Development Services are comprised of sophisticated design, coordination, and installation of landscapes at recognizable corporate, athletic, and university complexes. The company generates a majority of its revenue from Maintenance Services.

Sector Industrials
Industry Specialty Business Services
Investment Style Small Value
52 Weeks Range
6.58 (-49%) — 14.42 (10%)
Price Target Range
11.30 (-13%) — 18.00 (37%)
High 18.00 (Baird, 37.51%) Buy
18.00 (Loop Capital, 37.51%) Buy
Median 16.50 (26.05%)
Low 11.30 (Goldman Sachs, -13.68%) Sell
Average 15.72 (20.09%)
Total 3 Buy, 1 Hold, 2 Sell
Avg. Price @ Call 14.75
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Morgan Stanley 22 Aug 2024 16.00 (22.23%) Hold 15.32
Jefferies 21 Aug 2024 17.00 (29.87%) Buy 15.72
Goldman Sachs 02 Aug 2024 11.30 (-13.67%) Sell 14.30
JP Morgan 02 Aug 2024 14.00 (6.95%) Sell 14.30
Baird 01 Aug 2024 18.00 (37.51%) Buy 15.43
30 Jul 2024 17.00 (29.87%) Buy 13.96
Loop Capital 29 Jul 2024 18.00 (37.51%) Buy 13.44

No data within this time range.

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

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Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

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Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
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