NYSE: BKSY (BlackSky Technology Inc.)

Last update: 21 Aug, 12:40AM


0.08 (7.14%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments (US) Mixed Mixed
Scientific & Technical Instruments (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock BlackSky Technology Inc. Bearish Bearish

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BlackSky Technology Inc is a provider of real-time geospatial intelligence. The company delivers on-demand, high-frequency imagery, monitoring, and analytics of some of the critical and strategic locations, economic assets, and events in the world. It designs, owns, and operates one of the industry’s low earth orbit (LEO) small satellite constellations, optimized to capture imagery cost-efficiently where and when its customers need it. its Spectra AI software platform processes data from BlackSky's constellation and from other third-party sensors to develop the critical insights and analytics that provide its customers with the actionable intelligence. Geographically, the company operates in North America, the Middle East, Asia, and Others.

Sector Technology
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments
Investment Style Small Growth


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Oakmont Corp 30 Jun 2024 665,912

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