NASDAQ: SOTK (Sono-Tek Corporation)

Last update: 29 Aug, 8:43AM


-0.03 (-0.73%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments (US) Mixed Mixed
Scientific & Technical Instruments (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock Sono-Tek Corporation Mixed Mixed

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Sono-Tek Corp designs and manufactures ultrasonic coating systems that apply precise, thin film coatings to a multitude of products for the microelectronics/electronics, alternative energy, medical, and industrial markets, including specialized glass applications in construction and automotive. It sells products to emerging research and development and other markets. Its ultrasonic nozzle systems use high-frequency, ultrasonic vibrations that atomize liquids into minute drops that can be applied to surfaces at low velocity providing thin layers of protective materials over a surface such as glass or metals.

Sector Technology
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments
Investment Style Small Growth


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Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
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