Last update: 13 Oct, 3:12PM


0.05 (1.27%)

Previous Close 3.95
Open 4.00
Volume 2,739
Avg. Volume (3M) 71,258
Price / Sales 6.07
Price / Book 1.95
52 Weeks Range
3.50 (-12%) — 96.00 (2300%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Diagnostics & Research (US) Bullish Mixed
Diagnostics & Research (Global) Bullish Mixed
Stock SeqLL Inc. - -

Stockmoo Score

Analyst Consensus 2.0
Insider Activity NA
Price Volatility -2.0
Technical Moving Averages 0.0
Technical Oscillators 0.0
Average 0.00

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SeqLL Inc. operates as a life sciences instrumentation and research services company worldwide. It focus on development of scientific assets and novel intellectual property across multiple omics fields. The company's True Single Molecule Sequencing technology (tSMS) platform offers a single molecule solution for DNA and RNA sequencing through detection of nucleic acids to researchers for analyzing many billions of single molecules in a single experiment and generate accurate and reproducible data. It provide solutions for various applications, such as biomarker discovery and diagnostic assay developments including laboratories associated with universities, scientific research centers, government institutions, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. In addition, the company has research and development agreement with U.S. Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation to evaluate and determine the forensic capabilities of direct RNA sequencing using tSMS platform; and research collaboration with True Bearing Diagnostics, Inc. performing tSMS on whole-blood RNA to identify transcripts associated with coronary artery disease. Further, it has collaboration agreement with The Bernstein Laboratory to address fundamental questions in chromatin biology and epigenetic regulation; The Ting Laboratory; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine assisting in the development of new methods for chromatin interaction analysis in single nuclei, with single-molecule resolution; Weizmann Institute of Science for developed and applied innovative single-molecule technologies; and Tetracore, Inc. to provide with tSMS systems and onsite support. The company was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts.

Sector Healthcare
Industry Diagnostics & Research

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52W Range

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Dividend Received 2024 -
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