NASDAQ: NOVT (Novanta Inc.)

Last update: 12 Jul, 1:33PM


7.26 (4.38%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments (US) Mixed Mixed
Scientific & Technical Instruments (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock Novanta Inc. Mixed Mixed

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Novanta Inc manufactures photonic and motion-control components for original equipment manufacturers in the medical equipment and industrial technology markets. The firm operates in three segments: Precision Medicine and Manufacturing, Medical Solutions, and Robotics and Automation. It generates the majority of its revenue from the Medical Solutions segment that designs, manufactures, and markets a range of medical-grade technologies, including medical insufflators, pumps, and related disposables; visualization solutions; and wireless technologies. The firm generates the majority of its revenue from the United States and Europe.

Sector Technology
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments
Investment Style Small Growth

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