NASDAQ: MELI (MercadoLibre, Inc.)

Last update: 21 Aug, 4:45PM


1.80 (0.09%)

Previous Close 2,005.66
Open 2,012.50
Volume 238,490
Avg. Volume (3M) 324,753
Market Cap 101,773,000,704
Price / Earnings (TTM) 72.52
Price / Earnings (Forward) 46.73
Price / Sales 6.20
Price / Book 29.00
52 Weeks Range
1,141.04 (-43%) — 2,029.99 (1%)
Earnings Date 1 Aug 2024
Profit Margin 8.18%
Operating Margin (TTM) 14.31%
Diluted EPS (TTM) 27.60
Quarterly Revenue Growth (YOY) 41.50%
Quarterly Earnings Growth (YOY) 102.70%
Total Debt/Equity (MRQ) 148.36%
Current Ratio (MRQ) 1.28
Operating Cash Flow (TTM) 6.26 B
Levered Free Cash Flow (TTM) 4.20 B
Return on Assets (TTM) 8.30%
Return on Equity (TTM) 47.36%

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Internet Retail (US) Mixed Mixed
Internet Retail (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock MercadoLibre, Inc. Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score

Analyst Consensus 3.0
Insider Activity NA
Price Volatility -0.5
Technical Moving Averages 0.0
Technical Oscillators 2.0
Average 1.13

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MercadoLibre runs the largest e-commerce marketplace in Latin America, with more than 218 million active users and 1 million active sellers across 18 countries stitching into its commerce network or fintech solutions as of the end of 2023. The company operates a host of complementary businesses to its core online shop, with shipping solutions (Mercado Envios), a payment and financing operation (Mercado Pago and Mercado Credito), advertisements (Mercado Clics), classifieds, and a turnkey e-commerce solution (Mercado Shops) rounding out its arsenal. MercadoLibre generates revenue from final value fees, advertising royalties, payment processing, insertion fees, subscription fees, and interest income from consumer and small-business lending.

Sector Consumer Cyclical
Industry Internet Retail
Investment Style Large Growth
% Held by Insiders 7.30%
% Held by Institutions 85.09%
52 Weeks Range
1,141.04 (-43%) — 2,029.99 (1%)
Price Target Range
2,200.00 (-99%) — 2,800.00 (-99%)
High 2,800.00 (Redburn Atlantic, 39.48%) Buy
Median 2,480.00 (23.54%)
Low 2,200.00 (Citigroup, 9.59%) Buy
Average 2,441.82 (21.64%)
Total 10 Buy, 1 Hold
Avg. Price @ Call 2,015.71
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Redburn Atlantic 11 Oct 2024 2,800.00 (39.48%) Buy 2,091.16
Cantor Fitzgerald 07 Oct 2024 2,530.00 (26.03%) Buy 1,963.23
23 Sep 2024 2,530.00 (26.03%) Buy 2,102.63
Barclays 02 Oct 2024 2,500.00 (24.54%) Buy 1,970.72
JP Morgan 02 Oct 2024 2,400.00 (19.55%) Hold 1,970.72
Raymond James 27 Sep 2024 2,350.00 (17.06%) Buy 2,064.71
Morgan Stanley 20 Sep 2024 2,500.00 (24.54%) Buy 2,103.75
B of A Securities 12 Sep 2024 2,500.00 (24.54%) Buy 2,140.10
Susquehanna 28 Aug 2024 2,350.00 (17.06%) Buy 1,995.17
19 Aug 2024 2,300.00 (14.57%) Buy 2,028.00
BTIG 21 Aug 2024 2,250.00 (12.08%) Buy 2,007.46
02 Aug 2024 2,025.00 (0.87%) Buy 1,776.14
Citigroup 15 Aug 2024 2,200.00 (9.59%) Buy 1,996.44
Goldman Sachs 08 Aug 2024 2,480.00 (23.54%) Buy 1,869.40
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No data within this time range.

5Y Average Dividend Yield 0.00%
Ex Date Announcement Date Payment Date Details
28 Dec 2017 02 Nov 2017 16 Jan 2018 0.15 Cash
28 Sep 2017 03 Aug 2017 16 Oct 2017 0.15 Cash
28 Jun 2017 10 May 2017 17 Jul 2017 0.15 Cash
29 Mar 2017 17 Mar 2017 17 Apr 2017 0.15 Cash
28 Dec 2016 03 Nov 2016 16 Jan 2017 0.15 Cash
28 Sep 2016 04 Aug 2016 14 Oct 2016 0.15 Cash
28 Jun 2016 05 May 2016 15 Jul 2016 0.15 Cash
29 Mar 2016 02 Mar 2016 15 Apr 2016 0.15 Cash
29 Dec 2015 23 Nov 2015 15 Jan 2016 0.103 Cash
28 Sep 2015 02 Sep 2015 15 Oct 2015 0.103 Cash
26 Jun 2015 18 May 2015 15 Jul 2015 0.103 Cash
27 Mar 2015 05 Mar 2015 15 Apr 2015 0.103 Cash
29 Dec 2014 10 Nov 2014 15 Jan 2015 0.166 Cash
26 Sep 2014 14 Aug 2014 15 Oct 2014 0.166 Cash
26 Jun 2014 30 May 2014 15 Jul 2014 0.166 Cash
27 Mar 2014 13 Mar 2014 15 Apr 2014 0.166 Cash
27 Dec 2013 20 Nov 2013 15 Jan 2014 0.143 Cash
26 Sep 2013 09 Aug 2013 15 Oct 2013 0.143 Cash
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Annual Dividend Yield

Year Annual Dividend ($) Frequency/Year Yield %
2018 0.150 1 0.05
2017 0.600 4 0.19
2016 0.553 4 0.35
2015 0.475 4 0.42
2014 0.641 4 0.50
2013 0.143 1 0.13
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Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

Entry Price (EP)

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Stop Loss (SL)

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Dividend Received 2024 -
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