NASDAQ: ITRI (Itron, Inc.)

Last update: 29 Aug, 9:07AM


1.29 (1.29%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments (US) Mixed Mixed
Scientific & Technical Instruments (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock Itron, Inc. Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score


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Itron Inc provides solutions that measure, manage, and analyze energy and water use. It operates under the Itron brand and manages and reports under three operating segments: Device Solutions, Networked Solutions, and Outcomes. The device Solutions segment includes hardware products used for measurement, control, or sense that do not have communications capability embedded for use with broader Itron systems. The networked Solutions segment includes a combination of communicating devices, network infrastructure, and associated application software designed and sold as a complete solution. The outcome segment includes their value-added, enhanced software and services which manage, organize, analyze, and interpret data to improve decision-making and maximize operational profitability.

Sector Technology
Industry Scientific & Technical Instruments
Investment Style Small Growth
52 Weeks Range
56.11 (-44%) — 113.07 (11%)
Price Target Range
110.00 (8%) — 130.00 (27%)
High 130.00 (Guggenheim, 27.95%) Buy
Median 120.00 (18.11%)
Low 110.00 (Piper Sandler, 8.27%) Hold
Average 118.86 (16.99%)
Total 5 Buy, 2 Hold
Avg. Price @ Call 102.45
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
Roth MKM 21 Aug 2024 125.00 (23.03%) Buy 99.53
02 Aug 2024 125.00 (23.03%) Buy 101.15
Baird 02 Aug 2024 123.00 (21.06%) Buy 101.15
Piper Sandler 22 Jul 2024 110.00 (8.27%) Hold 104.21
Oppenheimer 17 Jul 2024 112.00 (10.24%) Buy 102.94
JP Morgan 16 Jul 2024 112.00 (10.24%) Hold 107.43
Guggenheim 11 Jul 2024 130.00 (27.95%) Buy 103.42
Canaccord Genuity 20 Jun 2024 120.00 (18.11%) Buy 98.47
Name Avg. Buy ($) Avg. Sell ($) Net Quantity Net Value ($)
PULATIE-HAHN LAURIE ANN - 96.74 -656 -63,461
Aggregate Net Quantity -656
Aggregate Net Value ($) -63,461
Aggregate Avg. Buy ($) -
Aggregate Avg. Sell ($) 96.74
Name Holder Date Type Quantity Price Value ($)
PULATIE-HAHN LAURIE ANN Officer 06 Sep 2024 Disposed (-) 656 96.74 63,461

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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52W Range

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Dividend Received 2024 -
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