NASDAQ: GPRO (GoPro, Inc.)

Last update: 09 Jul, 2:05PM


0.10 (7.04%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Consumer Electronics (US) Bullish Mixed
Consumer Electronics (Global) Bullish Mixed
Stock GoPro, Inc. Mixed Bearish

Stockmoo Score


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GoPro Inc is a United States-based company that is principally engaged in designing and providing cameras, mounts, drones and appliances. The company outsources a part of manufacturing to third parties in China. The company sells products across the world through its direct sales channel, which generates over half of total revenue, and indirectly through its distribution channel. The company has presence, including in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific, with the Americas contributing over half of total revenue.

Sector Technology
Industry Consumer Electronics
Investment Style Small Value

No data within this time range.

Name Avg. Buy ($) Avg. Sell ($) Net Quantity Net Value ($)
AHMAD-TAYLOR TYRONE - 1.27 -11,750 -14,923
Aggregate Net Quantity -11,750
Aggregate Net Value ($) -14,923
Aggregate Avg. Buy ($) -
Aggregate Avg. Sell ($) 1.27
Name Holder Date Type Quantity Price Value ($)
AHMAD-TAYLOR TYRONE Director 11 Sep 2024 Disposed (-) 11,750 1.27 14,923

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



Your price alert

Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

Entry Price (EP)

Take Profit 1 (TP1)

Take Profit 2 (TP2)

Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

Realized Profit -
Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
Avg. Return -
Quantity (Buy) -
Avg. Price (Buy) -
Quantity (Sold) -
Avg. Price (Sold) -
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