NASDAQ: FVCB (FVCBankcorp, Inc.)

Last update: 10 Jul, 4:26PM


0.39 (3.76%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Banks - Regional (US) Bullish Bullish
Banks - Regional (Global) Bullish Bullish
Stock FVCBankcorp, Inc. Mixed Bearish

Stockmoo Score


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FVCBankcorp Inc is a registered bank holding company. It operates through the sole subsidiary, FVCbank which is a community-oriented, locally-owned, and managed commercial bank. It offers commercial banking services to small and medium-sized businesses, professionals, non-profit organizations and associations, and investors. It also provides retail banking services to accommodate the individual needs of both corporate customers as well as the communities it serves. The bank provides other facilities such as online banking, mobile banking, remote deposit service, and lending products, among others. Its primary source of revenue is the net interest income.

Sector Financial Services
Industry Banks - Regional
Investment Style Small Value


Name Date Shares Held
Bridgewater Advisors Inc. 31 Mar 2024 191,229

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Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
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