NASDAQ: BRZE (Braze, Inc.)

Last update: 29 Aug, 3:07AM


-1.23 (-2.69%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Software - Application (US) Mixed Mixed
Software - Application (Global) Mixed Mixed
Stock Braze, Inc. Bullish Bullish

Stockmoo Score


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Stock Market Cap DY P/E P/B
BRZE 5 B - - 10.60
CCCS 7 B - 355.67 3.46
BLKB 4 B - 185.78 7.48
ZI 4 B - 242.75 1.92
BMBL 2 B - 61.82 0.520
AMPL 1 B - - 3.69

Braze Inc is a customer engagement platform that powers customer-centric interactions between consumers and brands. The company provides solutions for Retail & E-commerce, Media & Entertainment, Financial Services, and Travel & Hospitality related industries. The company offers a single, vertically integrated platform that encompasses the various functionalities, or layers, required for modern customer engagement: data ingestion, classification, orchestration, personalization, and action, all of which is supported by Sage AI by Braze, its AI engine designed to power AI functionality across all layers of this stack. It generates a majority of its revenue from the United States.

Sector Technology
Industry Software - Application
Investment Style Small Core


Name Date Shares Held
Sapphire Ventures, L.L.C. 30 Jun 2024 1,745,381
52 Weeks Range
33.93 (-23%) — 61.53 (38%)
Price Target Range
51.00 (14%) — 70.00 (57%)
High 70.00 (Needham, 57.13%) Buy
70.00 (Barclays, 57.13%) Buy
Median 59.00 (32.44%)
Low 51.00 (Piper Sandler, 14.48%) Buy
Average 60.60 (36.03%)
Total 10 Buy
Avg. Price @ Call 37.35
Firm Date Target Price Call Price @ Call
DA Davidson 06 Sep 2024 65.00 (45.90%) Buy 35.57
JMP Securities 06 Sep 2024 68.00 (52.64%) Buy 35.57
07 Jun 2024 68.00 (52.64%) Buy 36.65
Needham 06 Sep 2024 70.00 (57.13%) Buy 35.57
17 Jun 2024 70.00 (57.13%) Buy 35.41
Piper Sandler 06 Sep 2024 51.00 (14.48%) Buy 35.57
12 Jul 2024 51.00 (14.48%) Buy 39.43
Barclays 26 Aug 2024 70.00 (57.13%) Buy 45.88
Scotiabank 10 Jul 2024 56.00 (25.70%) Buy 37.80
Oppenheimer 12 Jun 2024 60.00 (34.68%) Buy 37.56
Canaccord Genuity 07 Jun 2024 53.00 (18.97%) Buy 36.65
Citigroup 07 Jun 2024 58.00 (30.19%) Buy 36.65
Raymond James 07 Jun 2024 55.00 (23.46%) Buy 36.65
Show more
Name Avg. Buy ($) Avg. Sell ($) Net Quantity Net Value ($)
KLEEGER MYLES 45.88 45.88 0 0
WINKLES ISABELLE 43.30 44.59 -10,000 -458,800
WISEMAN SUSAN 43.30 43.30 0 0
Aggregate Net Quantity -10,000
Aggregate Net Value ($) -458,800
Aggregate Avg. Buy ($) 44.16
Aggregate Avg. Sell ($) 44.59
Insider Range ($)
43.30 (-2%) — 45.88 (2%)
Name Holder Date Type Quantity Price Value ($)
WISEMAN SUSAN Officer 03 Sep 2024 Acquired (+) 8,553 43.30 370,345
WISEMAN SUSAN Officer 03 Sep 2024 Automatic sell (-) 8,553 43.30 370,345
WINKLES ISABELLE Officer 03 Sep 2024 Acquired (+) 4,500 43.30 194,850
WINKLES ISABELLE Officer 03 Sep 2024 Automatic sell (-) 4,500 43.30 194,850
KLEEGER MYLES Officer 26 Aug 2024 Acquired (+) 50,000 45.88 2,294,000
KLEEGER MYLES Officer 26 Aug 2024 Automatic sell (-) 50,000 45.88 2,294,000
WINKLES ISABELLE Officer 26 Aug 2024 Automatic sell (-) 10,000 45.88 458,800

The support, resistance and trendline levels presented has been generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) model and should be interpreted with caution.



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Risk Profile

| | | | |
Moderate Conservative
Moderate Aggressive
Margin of Safety (EP)
Partial Profit (TP1)
Target Profit (TP2)
Maximum Loss (SL)

Disclaimer: The above is for illustrative purposes only and is NOT investment advice. Seek advice from a qualified financial professional.

Entry Price (EP)

Take Profit 1 (TP1)

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Stop Loss (SL)

52W Range

All alert prices are within 52 weeks price range

Realized Profit -
Unrealized Profit -
Dividend Received 2024 -
Total Profit -
Avg. Return -
Quantity (Buy) -
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