ASX: S32 (SOUTH32 FPO [S32])

Last update: 3 days ago, 2:43AM


0.11 (3.57%)

Market Trend

Short Term Medium Term
Industry Other Industrial Metals & Mining (AU) Mixed Mixed
Other Industrial Metals & Mining (Global) Bearish Bearish
Stock SOUTH32 FPO [S32] - -

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South32 was born of the demerger of noncore assets from BHP in 2015. Its major operations include alumina businesses in Australia and Brazil, aluminum in Brazil, South Africa, and Mozambique, and manganese businesses in Australia and South Africa. It sold New South Wales metallurgical coal in August 2024. It also owns the Cannington silver/lead/zinc mine in northwest Queensland and the Cerro Matoso nickel mine in Colombia. Cannington and manganese operations deliver high returns, but have relatively short reserve life. The company acquired Arizona Mining, which brings with it the high-grade and likely low-cost Taylor project in the US, and also entered the copper business in 2022 via the purchase of a 45% stake in the Sierra Gorda mine in Chile.

Sector Basic Materials
Industry Other Industrial Metals & Mining
Investment Style Large Value

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