AI Stock Score
Real time AI analysis based on over 20 different data points ranging from fundamentals, technicals and sentiment to provide you with an overall grade of any stock
AI Trade Strategy
Get Artifical Intelligence (AI) assisted price estimate to buy or sell based on your risk appetite
Local & Foreign Stocks
Explore, analyze, and make informed investment decisions on a global scale
Price Target
Access precise price targets for all firms over specific periods
Insider Trade
Stay ahead to align your investment decisions with insider sentiment
News & Announcement
Comprehensive news and announcement of all relevant updates impacting the stocks
Dividend related information that available to track, analyze, and optimize portfolio's income stream
View short, medium, and long term technical indicators for comprehensive stock analysis
AI Support, Resistance & Trendlines
Analyze AI generated technical price charts with primary and secondary support and resistance levels, as well as trendlines for the stock
Mini Technical Charts
Unlock a bird's-eye view of dynamic and sortable charts, including essential indicators such as support and resistance levels, candlestick patterns, volume trends, relative strength index (RSI), exponential moving averages (EMA), and moving average convergence divergence (MACD)
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Dividend Tracking
Effortlessly track all dividend payouts on a single page
Monitor your upcoming and completed dividend income
Stay ahead by forecasting your next dividend payment announcement
Real Time Alert
Receive on-time updates, personalized alerts, ensuring you never miss a crucial market move
Stay in control by receiving instant alert on stock price movements
Receive alerts on insider trades, ensuring you stay informed about significant stock movements driven by the followed insiders
News Feed
Access a curated stream of real-time upcoming updates, dividend, stock news, and relevant announcements
Insider Trades
Follow insiders through comprehensive insider trading activities to effortlessly track their movements
Portfolio Management
Effortlessly oversee and optimize your investments by tracking performance and monitoring diversification
Strategically allocate funds across stocks and set monthly limits to manage investment portfolio
Visualize your portfolio's market value allocation to gain a graphical representation of how investments are distributed
Performance Monitoring
Comprehensive profit returns of your investment performance
Notes & Logs
Stay organized by tracking vital insights, changes, and notes while maintaining a detailed log of stock-related activities